The stuff of Kryton

An eclectic selection of technology with some cookery

Project maintained by kryton-me Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Windows Tools


If I need to use windows what tools do I need to install to make it more useful. In the Unix / Linux world a lots of this would be built in or available via a package manager.

Text Editor - Notepad++

Shell - cygwin

Worth adding the following based on other pages

robust remote terminal - mosh

“mosh” package in cygwin

X client - cygwinX

Set up instructions

Scripting - Python

Install python

Natively in to Windows not via Cygwin Download direct from


PIP should install with python via the above installer, con firm it’s installed

py -m pip —-version

Then to install a package use the following:

py -m pip install “SomeProject”

For more help see the help page.

Info - BGinfo

Instruction & Download

BG INFo shut down time stamp

C:\Windows\System32\catroot2\edb.chk “Time stampt of File”

BGinfo settings

Shutdown Time:\tab\protect <Shutdown Time>\protect0\par
Boot Time:\tab\protect <Boot Time>\protect0\par
Host Name:\tab\protect <Host Name>\protect0\par
IP Address:\tab\protect <IP Address>\protect0\par
Network Card:\tab\protect <Network Card>\protect0\par


Octave wiki

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